Learn to Ride is a youth mountain bike development program for kids Grades 1 through 7, ages 6 to 12, designed to teach the fundamentals of mountain bike trail riding in a safe, fun, and controlled environment. It is designed for all abilities and kids will be grouped according to their skill level. Learn to Ride starts on April 26th, and will consist of skill-based lessons once a week on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 for 4 weeks (Skipping the May Long weekend on the 18th).
Learn to Ride is $75 per child, which includes a Golden Cycling Club Junior membership and a custom jersey. Registration is limited to 150 kids.
In order to ensure we have a safe and successful camp, we would like to provide you with some information that we would like you to discuss with your child. Please review the following details so that your son or daughter is ready to ride.
- Rider registration – Please ensure you have completed and submitted the online registration and waiver forms for the camp, and also have completed the Golden Cycling Club membership forms by April 21st or your child will not be able to ride. There is no on the day registration. This will ensure we have all the required information to group kids for maximum fun and ensure we have relevant info to deal with any medical concerns if they should arise.
- Rider Bike Check – The Bike Check is meant to be a preventative inspection done to ensure your child’s bike is in good working order prior to the camp starting. If you are unsure about any aspect of your child’s bike please take to your local bike shop and have the mechanic have a look. It is the FULL responsibility of each rider/parent to ensure that their bicycle is properly maintained and safe. The instructors will perform a brief safety check prior to the first session at which time if your child’s bike is unsafe, they will not be allowed to ride until fixed. The riders will learn how to perform their own safety check and identify any problems in following sessions,
- Session Start Date – The 2025 camp is scheduled to begin on April 26th at 9:30am at the Keith King soccer fields and run until 11:30 am. it will run for 4 Saturday mornings through to May 24th.
- Clothing/Gear/Helmet – Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather (i.e. rain, cold, hot), as well as wearing closed-toed shoes. All riders must have a properly fitting helmet that is adjustable around the CROWN of the child's head (this applies to all helmets other than full face helmets). A hydration source is STRONGLY recommended
- Rider Check In/Name Tags – At the start of EACH session, each rider will check in at a designated area where they will receive a coloured name tag and be assigned to their skill level group identified by a coloured bib worn by the instructors. All riders must sign out after each session, to allow us to ensure all riders have returned from the daily trail ride.
IMPORTANT: Once you've completed your registration, if you haven't already done so, you will receive an email asking you to activate your Golden Cycling Club account. Once you have completed this, visit the Membership Page of the Golden Cycling Club and select the 'Junior Learn to Ride Membership' and complete this process to sign the waiver. You may also complete the waiver by printing it out and signing the waiver, scanning it, and emailing it to skills@goldencyclingclub.com.
No riders will be allowed to participate without a signed waiver.